jueves, julio 06, 2006

La manera en que sonrío

"i think it's dark and it looks like rain" I said
"and the wind is blowing like it's the end of the world" I said
"and it's so cold it's like the cold if you were dead"
and then I smiled for a second.
"i think i'm old and i'm in pain" I said
"and it's all running out like it's the end of theworld" I said
"and it's so cold it's like the cold if you were dead"
and then I smiled for a second
Sometimes I make you feel like you're living at the edge of the world...
"it's just the way i smile" I said.

Mi propia versión de Plainsong, de The Cure.
Hoy, sin motivo aparente, sonreí todo el día. Y quiero creer que con mi diente chueco y mis dientes separados le cambié el día a alguien. It´s just the way I smile.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.